After 20 months of development, 5 Betas and one Release Candidate, IE7 has finally been unleashed. Personally, I’m stoked. We’ve been developing on the releases for some time now to make sure our stuff will hold up under it and it really is a pleasure to work on in comparison to the old schoolers.
Get more on the skinny over at IEBlog’s announcement. Congrats to the IE team and yipee for us. We’re one step closer to cooler, better web sites.

Now its time to test the projects with that new microsoft product ;o)
One of the most interesting aspects of the IE vs. Firefox battle is the development of the ecosystem of extensions or add-ons. Right now firefox had a great advantage in this space but you can see microsoft trying to catch up.
Microsoft has a interesting partner in Trailfire, a recommended download for IE7. See link:
But this extension is also available for firefox. See link:
I think the ecosystem for firefox and IE will decide who wins this battle.
And just plain nobody mentions the horrible UI of IE7, which is by far the worst of all browsers currently available.
Judging by the most popular themes for Firefox, its users don’t have much sense for style either.
IE7 is out, great! Hopefully things will start to get easier from now. Did they push it via Windows Update yet?
Does it still mess with your Dreamweaver site configurations?
We’re one step closer to cooler, better web sties.Is that a typo or a Freudian slip?IE7 is an improvement, despite all the bugs people are finding, but it’s not going to make thing easier for standards-based coders — we still have to cater for IE6 for a few years yet.
Firefox 2.0 is out a little early…I changed the URL for the latest release and discovered Firefox2.0 was up there waiting for the links to change over tomorrow.