For those of you still making out your budgets for the new year, I thought I’d share a hand-picked list of technology conferences to help you decide which outing you’d like to have your boss sponsor. The categories might be a little facetious, but you get the idea.
Big Boy Conferences
- Emerging Technology Conference
Mar 6-9 | San Diego - Where 2.0 Conference
Jun 13-14 | San Jose - SIGGRAPH
Jul 30-Aug 3 | Boston - Web 2.0 Conference
~Oct | TBA - MIT Venture Capital Conference
~Dec | Boston
Warcraft Conferences
- SXSW Interactive
Mar 10| Austin - Webstock
May 23 | New Zealand - Web Essentials
~Sep | Sydney - cre824
TBA | Tennessee
Metrosexual Conferences
- Brand Identity and Package Design Conference
Apr 24 | New York - HOW Design Conference
Jun 12 | Las Vegas - Designing Interactive Systems Conference
Jun 26 | Penn State - Design & Emotion Conference
Sep 27 | Sweden - AIGA Design Conference
~Sep | TBA
Eccentric Daydreamer Conferences
- Good Experience Live
May 4 | New York - Supernova
Jun 21 | San Francisco - Pop!Tech
Oct 18 | Maine
Chess Club Conferences
- Semantic Technology Conference
Mar 6 | San Jose - Syndicate Conference
May 16 | New York - International World Wide Web Conferences
May 22 | Scotland - Symposium on Social Architecture
~Nov | Boston
And for those who need more, you can always do a simple search at to get a larger selection of choices.

It would be cool if next to each conference you listed the location, i.e. Web 2.0 Conference - San Francisco. That would make this an extremely helpful list.
Ask and ye shall receive. I’ll also toss in some dates and organize them in chronological order.
I think you should also mention @media 2006 :-).
The categories were great and drew me into the rest of the post. Thanks for the compilation and the link to find more!
What about Web Design World?