When we begain Wufoo in California, the three of us set up shop in a living room with absolutely no distractions other than a magnetic dart board and the occasional episode of Lost or Battlestar Galactica via iTunes. Productivity was at a max without distractions such as television or friends. After YCombinator finished, and we moved back to Florida, we were crammed into a smaller townhouse where the working quarters for Ryan and I happened to have a big screen television and all day access to Sports Center. Since we’re now all in our separate places, and T.V. doesn’t seem to help productivity, one room is completely dedicated to office equipment where there are no distractions besides the occasional cat visitation. The “zone†comes faster now, and it’s much easier to separate work from home. As an added bonus, a room dedicated to work alone is tax deductible. So, if your home office environment isn’t what it should be, think about creating a separate office area, and check out these links on how to make it happen.
Aerons and Air Hockey… dot com excess or essential tools? - Kathy Sierra over at Creating Passionate Users found that working from home lacked the stimulating work environment that led to her most productive moments. In an effort to restore her productive environment, she converted a 23-foot Silver Streak trailer into a pretty cool home office.
Getting to Done: The Ultimate Home Office - “Today I’m going to walk you through my ultimate home office, explaining they why’s and hows (don’t worry, it’s really quite simple — by design) and offering up some advice that may help you. When I’m done I’d love to hear about your own setup!â€
10 Seriously Cool Workplaces - Although most of the images and examples in this article are from corporations, maybe it’ll give you some ideas for the perfect home office.

Good stuff. Thanks for the links!