The beginning of the year is when many people set new goals by refelecting on the past year’s achievements and failures. If you’re a fan of personal development at all, setting goals is not groundbreaking. If you aren’t big on personal development, at least give these setting resources a try because I believe it’s much easier to accomplish tasks - big or small - when a plan is in place. We at Particletree wish you all a happy New Year and the best of luck in 2006.
The Power of Momentum - This free 18 page PDF by Tony Robbins walks you through the goal setting process. Give it a look.
Steve Pavlina - Steve Pavlina is a man on a personal development mission. Steve has tested out polyphasic sleep, gone vegan, and is trying to manifest a million dollars all in the name of personal development. There are also some excellent articles on life balance, health, goal setting. continues to be one of my favorite blogs.
To Done - To Done is another personal development blog on productivity, work/life balance, and getting things done.
Getting Things Done - Regarded by many to be the bible of productivity, Getting Things Done by David Allen is an excellent resource to get you started with personal development.
Maximum Achievement - This book is on the list because it is one of the first resources I read on personal development and productivity. Maximum Achievement changed the way I look at life and goals and I keep it around to this day.

Very informative site. Thanks.
Not much on my mind worth mentioning, but I don’t care. I can’t be bothered with anything. Today was a complete loss. Maybe tomorrow.
Pretty much not much going on right now. My mind is like a complete blank. Nothing seems worth thinking about, not that it matters. Oh well.
Pretty much not much going on right now. My mind is like a complete blank. Nothing seems worth thinking about, not that it matters. Oh well.
Life takes many turns and some times you can’t always complete any goals but if i can do it and make it through life at 16 as a foster child not being able to see any of my family than many others should be able to. I have really no reason to get any of my goals done because it wouldn’t be worth it but i’m trying and thats what counts righ ? as long as you try.. goals will always be there if you allow them to.
If nothing matters than whats the point of living life? I mean if nothing truely matters than whats the point