There is always another launch around the corner or a beta mailing list calling your name, and it becomes hard to keep track of everything. In the spirit of sharing, here is a list of programs/sites/launches that I have been keeping an eye on.
Mooflex - I was impressed with moo.fx, and then I found out the same team has been building a content manager. Not just any content manager, but a fully degradable one. I can’t wait to see how this develops, and how it fits into the market.
Fruitcast - It was only a matter of time before advertising in podcasts became automated, and Fruitcast was quick to the scene. It will be interesting to see how they grow and how they solve problems such as those mentioned by Greg Yardley (about half way down the page). Not only that, but you know Google feeds off of advertising, so how will they approach this market?
Newsvine - It’s gonna be big, and it’s gonna be executed well. This is a chance to see a large scale site launch, so just sit back, watch, learn and appreciate. Read more about Newsvine.
Shopify - When we were considering payment methods for Treehouse, we had originally planned to create simple software and expand into what Shopify appears to be. Our plans have changed, but it is nice to see someone is carrying through with the idea. I am curious to see if bloggers are more attracted by this to sell items such as t-shirts and digital goods, or if small businesses pick up on it.
Godbit - I am a fan of sites that teach, and Godbit aims to teach both clients and web professionals. While the site targets web design within churches, it is still applicable to other organizations. I watch this site to see how a community grows from scratch when only goodwill, not money, is involved.
Fusenine - Yes, another hosting company. These guys have an eye for design, and it looks like they want to keep things top notch. Particletree has moved between four hosts since it launched, and is now happily paired with Media Temple, but I would like to see what niche Fusenine fits in with.
Notepad++ - I am always watching my favorite Windows text editor. Version 3.3 was just released, so the link love is well deserved.
That’s it for me. Now let me have a peak at your lists.

Mooflex and Fruitcast is really cool and I don’t wanna miss it any more.Godbit sounds very interesting. By the way the, “Dynamic Resolution Dependent Layouts” is my article of the last week ( but its in german ).
Thanks Ryan, I appreciate the mention. I second what Heiko said about Fruitcast too, seems very cool. If my voice wasn’t so dorky sounding, I’d have to start a podcast! :)
Surprised you haven’t mentioned Squidoo:
Some very interesting stuff going on there too.
yeah…almost everyday we get some new versions launched. Im happy that the Notepad++ released its newer version. The mooflex looks nice too.