I love to read a solid interview. The good ones don’t require too much brain power, contain practical advice from knowledgeable people, and offer you a glimpse of the interviewee’s personality. The problem is that there are also a lot of interviews out there that aren’t exactly inspirational. So here’s a list of some of the better interview resources that I’ve bookmarked, and please, do tell if you know of any others.
Founders at Work - This book is the mother of interview collections, and it contains some of the great stories behind PayPal, Apple, Excite, Hotmail, and a number of other famous companies. I must admit that I know the author, Jessica Livingston, personally, but this would still be a must have even if she were a complete stranger.
Read/WriteWeb Interviews - Richard MacManus has interviewed some fairly influential people around the web including Tim O’Reilly, Kevin Rose, and Caterina Fake to name a few. They’re definitely worth a look since some of these interviews are longer and more in depth than what you traditionally see on the web.
Juxtaviews - Juxtaviews is a site that is completely dedicated to interviews. They add about one new interview to their collection every week, and the interviews typically focus on bloggers, internet-based companies, and other people influencing the web.
Guy Kawasaki’s 10 Questions - Rather than just target techies, Guy Kawasaki’s interviews focus on entrepreneurs in general. There are interviews with some well known people such as Seth Godin and Donald Trump, but one of my favorites is with Aziza Mohmmand, a female entrepreneur who talks about what it takes to start a business in Afghanistan.
Interviews at Workhappy.net - There are probably about 10-15 in this collection, including some with the founders of FreshBooks, Shopify, FireWheel Design, and 37Signals.
61 Interviews with Founders of Web2.0 Sites - Not all of these interviews are with different people, but this is still a pretty solid collection with people such as Craig Newmark, Mark Fletcher, and Mike Davidson.

Here are some more interviews
thx for the mention! we’re releasing a juxtaviews 2 sometime this summer with more features, some UI improvements, more interviews, better design, and hopefully a better product.